Title: More Hands
Writer Jenny Mollendyk Divleli
Illustrator: Ekinsu Kocatürk
Genre: Fiction
Cover: Papercover
Paper: 120 gr offset White paper
Pages: 32
Dimensions: 22×27
ISBN No: 978-625-6698-20-8
Target Age Group: 4+
Our big family, neighbours, and friends make every moment special – with more hands for hugs, laughter, and an abundance of baraqah! Get ready to discover the secret ingredient of pishmaniyah with Sami and his grandfather… This is a real life story of joy and generousity.
Title: More Hands
Writer Jenny Mollendyk Divleli
Illustrator: Ekinsu Kocatürk
Genre: Fiction
Cover: Papercover
Paper: 120 gr offset White paper
Pages: 32
Dimensions: 22×27
ISBN No: 978-625-6698-20-8
Target Age Group: 4+