• Al- Ghazali When Cotton Touches Flame

    Join al-Ghazali along this journey as he proves that there is no necessary connection between causes and their effects, fire and burning, as philosophers believe. He gives readers a perspective illumined by revelation, which enables them to look, see, investigate, analyse, and learn about all things—from stars in the sky to ants in the soil—as signs pointing to the One Who created them.

  • Ibn Khaldun A Desert Journey

    This book tells the fictional story of a quest inspired by Ibn Khaldun’s ideas about people who lived in cities and the bedouins who lived in the deserts and rural areas as nomads. The events in the story have not taken place in reality. Perhaps some of it did happen since Ibn Khaldun did live among the bedouins for a long time, travelled with them, conversed with them in the night, and observed them closely.

    We hope that this book becomes a starting point that peaks your interest about one of the most astonishing thinkers that ever lived.

    Click here for video presentation

  • Ibn Sina In Pursuit Of the Flying Man

    While Ibn Sina: In Pursuit of the Flying Man is based on true events, it is a fictional tale that recounts the reknowned scholar of Islam Ibn Sina or Avicenna’s last hours on earth. Join Ibn Sina on a journey through his ideas about the human body and soul and explore the fascinating example of his “flying man” thought experiment. What is the nature of the soul and its connection with the human body? What can humans really know about the soul, and how? Tackle these and other fascinating questions alongside the master of masters in this book.

  • Ibn Tufayl Alone on the Island of One’s Mind

    Ibn Tufayl: Alone on the Island of One’s Mind is a fictional tale based on the questions and the thoughts Ibn Tufayl might have had before writing his famous work Hayy ibn Yaqdhan.

    How did Ibn Tufayl’s journey towards writing such a work begin? What kinds of thoughts must have  passed through his mind along that journey? In this book, we set out on our own journey to find and follow the footsteps of Ibn Tufayl’s mind.